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4 Things to Consider When Choosing an Egg Donor Agency

Learn What You Should Look for In an Egg Donor Agency

Are you looking for the right Egg Donor Agency to provide you with the chance to carry a child and build your family? It is important to do your research to find the best agency that fits your needs, and when doing so, there are a few key things that you should look for and consider.

At Creative Conception, Inc. we pride ourselves on providing a successful Egg Donor Program that has helped many begin their long-awaited journey of parenthood. Continue reading to learn what to consider when choosing an Egg Donor Agency, and discover what our agency has to offer!

Pregnant woman sitting on couch with Egg Donor.

Extensive Screening Process

From the very beginning, you will want to look into the screening process that the Egg Donor Agency has in place. This should be extensive, and include a medical assessment, genetic testing, and a psychological screening.

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Detailed Egg Donor Database

Explore the agency’s Egg Donor database and take note of how detailed it is. It is important that each donor’s medical history is thorough and complete. The database should also include detailed information about each donor’s physical characteristics and hobbies & interests so you can choose the most suitable match to fit your needs.

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Thorough Matching Services

It is not only important that you choose an Egg Donor Agency that allows you to have a say in choosing your Egg Donor, but having an agency that provides you with thorough matching services. This provides peace of mind; their experienced team will help you navigate to view donor profiles that match your criteria.

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Stellar Agency Reputation

Much like any business, consider the Egg Donor Agency’s reputation. What experience did other Egg Donors and Intended Parents have when going through the agency’s Egg Donor Program? You want to choose an agency that has stellar reviews and a solid reputation; one that you feel you can trust to provide you with top-quality services.

Creative Conception, Inc. provides Egg Donors and Intended Parents with an amazing Egg Donor Program that offers guidance & expertise, screening & matching services, and a detailed donor database. CCI's professional team helps Intended Parents navigate the database and educates them on donors they are interested in.

With 25 years of experience in Surrogacy and Egg Donor services, Creative Conception, Inc., has built a lasting reputation with Intended Parents and Egg Donors alike. Get in touch with our team today to learn more about our Egg Donor Program!

Find The Right Donor To Start Your Family