Surrogate Journey Steps
- Fill out CCI Contact Information
- Schedule Initial Consultation by Call or Zoom
** Definitions: Intended Parent (IP); Gestational Carrier or Surrogate (GC); Creative Conception, Inc (CCI); Embryo transfer (ET) or Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET)
2) PRE-MATCH PROCESS (~1-2 weeks)
- IP’s Create Profile
- This profile will be shared with a potential surrogate match (no confidential information will be disclosed)
- Sign initial consents & pay coordination fee
- This shows IP’s commitment to start the matching process Background checks done on all parties
3) MATCH WITH SURROGATE (4-8 months)
Send GC profiles to IP’s for review
Send IP’s profile to GC for her review
If profiles are accepted by each party, CCI sends GC’s medical records to IVF center for medical records paper approval oIf not accepted by both parties, wait for another GC profile
If IVF doctor gives paper approval, CCI opens communication between the IP’s & GC via email, Zoom & phone call (1-2 weeks)
If both parties want to move forward:
- CCI facilitates Match Meeting with IP’s & GC/Partner, via Zoom or in person, to further get to know each other and to go over Key Expectation Questions
- Both parties receive a copy of the Key Expectation Questions prior to the meeting
- Match confirmed, if not, process begins again
- If all parties agree it’s a great match, CCI’s schedules:
Psychological Assessment of GC/Partner/Husband (in some instances this step will already be completed)
GC medical clearance appointment at IP’s IVF Clinic GC travels to IP’s IVF clinic for in-person appointment Medical screening blood work, and Uterine evaluation will be completed
5. If GC does not pass the medical screening, CCI finds IP’s another surrogate with no additional fee
If insurance needs to be obtained for the GC - CCI will start the process
IP’s make sure to check with GC’s delivering hospital to make sure IP’s insurance is in- network for the baby
First funding to trust is needed, $19,500
5) LEGAL CONTRACTS (2-4 weeks)
IP’s and GC choose separate attorneys (CCI provides list if needed)
The legal contract will have the Financial breakdown IP’s signed with CCI, and the signed Key Expectation document discussed at the Match Meeting
IP’s receive drafted contract and set up a review with their attorney
IP’s make any adjustments at this time IP’s attorney sends contract to GC’s attorney
GC makes any adjustments at this time Once the contract is finalized and signed by both parties:
A Legal clearance letter is sent to IP’s IVF clinic
This gives IP’s clinic the green light to write a protocol calendar for the surrogate to start the transfer cycle
ADI- Accidental Death Insurance policy will be obtained for GC
The second funding to trust is now due, $85,000-$95,000; this amount will be customized to IP’s surrogate
Protocol calendar will be given to the GC and to CCI
CCI follows GC through the medications to transfer GC travels to IVF clinic for the transfer
If the IVF clinic allows, and all parties agree, the IP’s can be in the room for the transfer. If not, it can be recorded. Pregnancy test (BHCG) is 10-12 days after the transfer
When the BHCG is positive, the test will be repeated in 2-4 days to be sure the levels are going up
First vaginal ultrasound is 4 weeks from the date of the transfer. At this time, IP’s can see the fetal heartbeat of the baby
Surrogate is released to her local OB/GYN 10-11 weeks after the transfer for her continued OB care
Surrogate attends monthly appointments until week 28 • She attends bi-weekly appointments from 29-35 weeks
She will attend weekly appointments from 36-40 weeks o Key milestone appointments:
1st Fetal Heartbeat, 7 weeks; 2nd Fetal Heartbeat, 9 weeks
Ultrasound at 12-14 weeks
Anatomy ultrasound at 18-20 weeks
Surrogate will update IP’s & CCI after each appointment
CCI reviews Birth Plan with Intended Parents and GC
At 20 weeks, the judgement for parental establishment is started by your attorney (will occur earlier if multiples)
At 20 weeks the Surrogate pre-registers at delivery hospital
IP’s provide delivery hospital with baby’s insurance information
Delivery - Celebration Time!
- Be prepared; every labor and delivery is different. Labor can last a couple of hours to a few days
- If you and your surrogate have established that you’d like to stay in touch, your next chapter begins now
Pumping: Varies 0-16 Weeks
- *Optional* - this will have been established in contract
- Supplies and shipping need to be set up
I am Ready to be a Parent
If you are in need of a surrogate and/or egg donor, please complete our Contact Information for Intended Parents Form.
I Want To Be A Egg Donor
If you want to be an egg donor with our program and have read the requirements, please complete our Egg Donor Screening Form.
I Want To Be A Surrogate
If you want to be a surrogate with our program and have read the requirements, please complete our Surrogate Screening Form.